Hygge Sunday Vibes

Hygge Sunday Vibes

I’m a Swede, but one of my favorite Scandi words is the Danish one, “hygge." It roughly translates to “taking pleasure from the presence of gentle, soothing things.". If that’s not your bag, then we can’t be friends. Have a little hygge on this mellow day; here’s how I’m doing it.

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My face went to boot camp this week.

My face went to boot camp this week.

Fact: It takes 21 days to form a new habit. When it comes to skincare I fall into the "minimum effort maximum results" category, which is sadly a category that doesn't really exist. Like all things, good skin (unless you're freakishly genetically blessed like Beyonce or, personal fave, Julianne Moore) takes a bit of effort and it's about time I put some elbow grease in!

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Orale Morrissey!

Orale Morrissey!

One of the oddest observations for me when I moved to LA in the mid-90’s, was how many in the Mexican-American community were totally bonkers for Morrissey. At first, I couldn’t think of what connection a kid from Montebello could possibly have with a (now) middle-aged man from Manchester, but as always, angst, alienation, unrequited love and an appreciation of beautiful words are universal.

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